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Welcome and thank you for visiting. Let me tell you a little bit about me. I like taking on challenges. I graduated high school with a stellar 1.6 GPA. I was not a Rhodes Scholar in fact College was not even on the horizon. However I did go to college graduating from the Ohio State University with a 2.9 GPA. I have traveled through the USA,  Europe, skydived, and gone zip lining. I enjoy theology, history and writing.

 I always enjoyed writing. I remember as a child in school we would have creative writing assignments. Writing allowed me to create and imagine,  as I got older and older I wrote less and less but I never forgot how much I enjoyed writing. There were , however, many other more immediate concerns, college, a corporate job and family took over. The thought of writing lingered in the back of my mind. After 10 years working in an office job, I decided to tackle this nagging idea of writing a book. I decided long ago whatever I wrote would have to honor God and would have to be something I was passionate about.  I slowly started writing my thoughts down. Thoughts became chapters, and chapters filled a book of ideas. They were my ideas. I worked out my ideas day and night. There were moments of brillance but many many more  moments of drudgery, bordom and writing. I wrote paragraphs and pages even when I didn't want to write, but I did write. I wrote and I finished the book, then came the revising and the editing, would it ever end??? It did end. I finished the book. Thank God for helping me through it!  I had tackled the great book idea! I now present my book to you, the reader. Thank you for visiting and taking a moment from your busy life to learn a bit about mine.

christian historical WWII fiction novel rj-enterman
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